
We operate a practice complaints procedure as part of the NHS system for dealing with complaints. Our system meets with national criteria. Our practice Complaints Leaflet gives details of the complaints process and is available from reception. Our aim is to give you the highest possible standard of service and we will endeavour to resolve your problem as quickly as possible. Liz Eades, Practice Manager is the designated Complaints Manager, please contact her on 01798 872815.
We hope that if you have a problem, you will use our practice complaints procedure. We believe this will give us the best chance of putting right whatever has gone wrong and an opportunity to improve our practice.
Click here to read our Patient Complaints Leaflet
If you remain unhappy after local resolution and independent review then you can complain to the Health Service Ombudsman. The ombudsman is completely independent of the NHS and Government. You can contact the ombudsman at:-
Millbank Tower,
Tel: 0345 015 4033
Have your say to improve your healthcare
Did you know you can now have your say to help improve more services across the NHS?
The Friends & Family Test is about giving patients the opportunity to provide quick feedback on their care and treatment experience. It’s already in use in many parts of the NHS and is expanding to a lot more. You can say what is going well and what can be improved so that people who make decisions about local healthcare can take your views into account.
It doesn’t take long and you don’t need to give your details on your feedback form.
Please click on the link below to print off and complete a feedback form, which you can just drop into the Practice when you are next passing.
PMG Friends and Family
NHS Choices
NHS Choices provides an award-winning, comprehensive health information service with thousands of articles, videos ( and tools ( , helping you to make the best choices about your health and lifestyle, but also about making the most of NHS and social care services in England.
You can also locate our practice on this website and leave feedback on our services here too.